
Survey #1 Mengatakan – Tangan Mana yang Paling Dibenci Pemain Turnamen Poker?

Jika saya bertanya kepada Anda tangan poker mana yang paling Anda benci dalam turnamen poker, mana yang akan Anda pilih?

Baru-baru ini saya melakukan survei terhadap pemain poker turnamen untuk menemukan jawabannya.

Pertama,  di inilah pertanyaannya:

1. Anda berada di turnamen poker dan memiliki tumpukan chip sedang. Para pemain di meja Anda tipikal dengan berbagai gaya bermain. Anda berada di posisi tengah, dan tiga pemain pertama setelah lipatan buta besar. Anda mengintip kartu Anda. Tangan mana yang paling tidak ingin Anda dapatkan dalam situasi ini?

A. Pocket Aces

B. Jack Saku

C. Pakaian luar KQ

D. Saku 4

E. 7-2 offsuit

F. Tidak satu pun di atas

Sebelum Anda melihat hasilnya, mana yang akan Anda pilih?

Kedua, inilah hasilnya:

A. Pocket Aces 5%

B. Jack Saku 62%

C. KQ offsuit 2%

D. Saku 4 12%

E. 7-2 offsuit 15%

F. Tak satu pun dari 4% di atas`

Apakah Anda terkejut dengan hasilnya?

Saya yakin harap Anda bukan salah satu pemain yang akan memilih Aces saku. Anda tidak sering mendapatkan Ace saku, dan Anda ingin mendapatkannya sesering mungkin.

Saya bisa mengerti mengapa pemain memilih pocket 4’s. Tapi sepasang saku kecil adalah tangan yang bagus. Jika Anda dapat melihat kegagalan dengan harga murah, Anda dapat memenangkan pot besar.

Mungkin tidak mengejutkan bahwa begitu banyak pemain memilih Jack saku. Tampaknya setiap orang memiliki pengalaman buruk dengan Jack saku. Mengapa? Mungkin karena kartu yang lebih tinggi dari Pocket Jacks akan gagal lebih dari 65% dari waktu. Dan jika Ace gagal, dan lawan Anda memanggil taruhan gagal Anda, Anda mungkin telah kehilangan pot berukuran layak.

Ada cara yang benar dan cara yang salah untuk bermain pocket pair, bahkan pocket Jacks.

Apakah Anda ingin mempelajari cara terbaik untuk bermain pocket Jacks?

“Tournament Poker: 101 Winning Moves” mengungkapkan 101 permainan kemenangan yang digunakan Poker Pro untuk memenangkan turnamen tanpa batas. Sekarang Anda juga dapat menggunakannya.

Glosarium Poker Online: Jangan Mainkan Game Sampai Anda Mempelajari Ketentuannya

Saat ini, permainan poker online tersebar luas di kalangan anak muda dunia. Tidak perlu pergi ke kasino untuk berjudi, cukup duduk di depan komputer Anda, dan mainkan hanya dengan jari dan keyboard Anda. Ini bisa sangat memikat bagi mereka yang tidak takut dengan teknologi saat ini.

Bermain poker online bisa sangat menyenangkan, bahkan cara baru untuk menghasilkan uang dan juga kehilangan uang. Adalah bijaksana bagi semua orang untuk memulai dengan memainkan situs gratis dan kemudian pindah, seiring dengan meningkatnya keterampilan Anda, ke situs bayar untuk bermain. Situs-situs ini sering menawarkan bonus untuk mendaftar, jika berupa uang tunai yang sebenarnya. Ini dilakukan untuk menarik Anda untuk mulai bermain dan kemudian menambahkan uang Anda sendiri ke situs บาคาร่าออนไลน์ .

Sebelum bermain poker online, sebaiknya Anda membaca glosarium poker online karena sangat penting untuk mengetahui ketentuan permainan sebelum Anda bermain. Contoh informasi yang mungkin Anda temukan dalam glosarium poker online adalah definisi istilah poker umum, seperti fold, dealer, dan ante. Glosarium mungkin juga memiliki aturan untuk permainan poker umum, seperti texas hold em dan 5 kartu stud.

Glosarium poker online yang bagus akan memiliki semua kata dan permainan dalam urutan abjad, seperti kamus. Ini adalah bantuan besar bagi pemain baru, karena ini menunjukkan kode dan instruksi yang harus Anda ikuti atau ketahui saat bermain game poker online.

Situs poker yang bagus akan menawarkan setidaknya glosarium poker online generik untuk para pemain yang baru mengenal permainan. Sebelum Anda memutuskan situs mana yang Anda minati untuk bermain, periksa untuk melihat apakah mereka telah memasukkan informasi berharga ini untuk Anda. Jika mereka telah memilih untuk mengecualikan informasi ini, mungkin lebih baik untuk melewatkan situs tersebut, karena mereka mungkin tidak ramah pengguna untuk pemain pemula.

Anda mungkin juga bijaksana untuk membeli salinan kertas glosarium poker. Meskipun mungkin tampak agak kuno untuk menggunakan buku untuk membantu Anda dengan poker online, itu akan memberi Anda kesempatan untuk mencari informasi yang diperlukan tanpa harus dipusingkan dengan beralih antar layar dan mungkin menekan tombol yang salah, yang dapat membuat Anda kehilangan tangan, atau lebih buruk, bertaruh lebih tinggi .

Metode apa pun yang Anda pilih untuk membaca glosarium poker online, pastikan untuk memanfaatkan sumber daya yang tak ternilai ini. Itu bisa membuat perbedaan antara menang dan kalah di tangan yang penting.

Kinds Of Online Pokies

What Are Online Pokies?

The origin of the word online pokies is from Australia. It generally refers to the online slot machines that are popularly being used in online casinos. In the early days, most of the bars and clubs in Australia had a special room mainly designed for pokies. Now with the invention of computer, many land-based pokies are completely being transformed into online pokies. You get a variety of games in . pokies.

Very soon all the games that is found in the casinos will find place in online pokies. Most slot machines that are found in the casinos are the Australian Poker Machines. Australian gaming machine manufacturers account for the majority of the slot machines found in casinos, bars, and clubs. Australian Poker Machine is the one that is commonly found in popular casinos and clubs.

Kinds Of สล็อตออนไลน์ Online Pokies

Based on the features, they can be classified as follows.

* Classic Slot Games: They are the actual transformation of land-based classic slot game one-arm bandit. These games are very simple to play and most of them come with three-reel option only. They usually come with single payline and in some cases also available in three or five paylines. Though they are very old form of slot games, their online version is equally popular in online pokies. This is because they provide a chance to win high amount as jackpot for a small amount of bet. Some popular classic games in online pokies include diamond deal and bulls eye.

* Slot Games With Video Feature: By making use of the latest technology, they have a range of video slot games. These games are popular among the gamers as they provide much excitement and fun. There are many varieties of games under this category. Their pay line range between five and 25. Anybody can play these games in online pokies as they require only minimum amount as bet. These games have become popular due to their added special effects and also themes provided in them. The theme-based video slot games are a major hit among the gamers as they are based on special characters like the Hulk and others.

* Bonus Games: Of all the online pokies, this category provides lot of excitement and thrill. While playing the normal games when the player hits on a special combination he will be given another screen containing the bonus game for free. Therefore, the player gets another chance to win some extra money if he hits the right winning combination. Thunderstruck is the most popular bonus game which has left many players going crazy with excitement.


Addictions – Gambling

An addiction is a terrible point. Men and women who don’t suffer from some other dependence can’t possibly understand what it really is like to get some one who does. The amount of things this you might be hooked to are lots of. Fundamentally, only about any such thing in this world may get addictive, from gender to drugs for watching TV to eating. The inherent cause of those dependence is a personality disorder. But for the purposes , we’re likely to just insure one definite addiction and attempt to explain how it functions and how to deal with this.

Betting is most likely one of those addictions that impacts far more people than the folks themselves might like to confess. If you believe that isn’t authentic then just take a look about you in the world we are living in. In the usa alone, there’s not a single condition that will not always have some kind of every day, weekly and instant lottery. Nj, for example, comes with a choice 3, a pick 4, a select 6 and also the mega jackpot which actually crosses several countries. In addition to the they have a number of instantaneous lotteries. Betting earnings in nj alone is currently at the billions of dollars annually.

What most people don’t understand concerning a gambling dependence is that it really has very little or nothing else to do with wanting to acquire abundant. Yes, people wish money and pursuing after that elusive jack pot each week offers them a thing to appear forward to บาคาร่าออนไลน์, however, why people become addicted to betting is on account of the hurry which betting offers them. It isn’t exactly the magnitude of this jack pot however, that the delight of the chase and the amazing sense they experience whenever a triumph comes , even supposing it really is just a few dollars. For that thing a veteran gambler could find yourself a thrill moving to the boardwalk at a sea resort and successful Teams which couldn’t be cashed set for anything more than only a cheap trophy that they probably spent longer for than it is worth.

A compulsive gambler needs that steady dash. If he is not gaming he could be literally lost. He doesn’t know exactly what to do with his period. Compulsive gamblers generally do not play a single game that is particular. They will bet on anything they are able to receive their hands on. Throughout the soccer time they’ll gamble on each game, not only the ones of these preferred group. For the thing, an experienced gambler will not even need to have a favourite team. He may not like soccer, but he’ll see the game to that rush that it will give him his team of pick triumph.

The principal problem having a gambling dependence is that it’s very costly. We are referring to betting money, in most cases enormous amounts, that the person doesn’t really have. This can be when it becomes more dangerous, particularly as soon as the gambler begins moving to loan sharks for funds.

Obviously say, a compulsive gambler life destroys not just himself but the people around him. Marriages are ended due to the problem. Lives are ruined. Exactly why? Because the compulsive gambler can’t stop on his ownpersonal. He wants help and lots of wont obtain the help they want.

For those who finally realize they have a problem, most states possess bettors anonymous chapters which they are able to head to in order to attend conferences. The application is beyond the reach of the write-up . however, it’s the first step a compulsive gambler should take if he’s going to learn to survive with his or her addiction.